Saturday, September 20, 2008

Buyer Beware: Not even the Sick are Safe!

As a college student, I don't have much money or any health insurance. For two months I visited the Total Care Medical Clinic and was seen multiple times by Dr. Lippton and his Hispanic looking co-doctor who has no name. I should have noticed more of the irregularities in his practice than I did since I was so ill. This man does not follow any standard medical procedures while administering your care. They do not weigh you, take your blood pressure, temperature, pulse or any other vital bodily statistic required of a doctor before he administers medication. Nor does this "clinic" keep a medical history in your chart since in fact they never bother to ask you for a medical history or write down anything in any form of a patient chart.
It turned out that I have acute and severe bronchitis, but no thanks to Dr. Lippton that I'm finally feeling better, though with a lot less money. This man is like a shark combined with a professional con artist. He administers medication directly into your veins like the junkie he apparently was. That this doctor would be jeopardizing his patients with shoddy care did not cross my mind until my grandma, a retired nurse, began discussing my illness with her old co-workers. The other nurses told my grandma horror stories about Howard Lippton. In an effort to dispel the gossip, I went looking to find information about him. Click on these links and you too can read what a scummy professional Howard Lippton is:
Additionally, these nurses told my grandma that this man has had at least four other clinics spread out over Louisiana and all of them have been closed suddenly after he decides to skip town. I strongly caution all of you to stay away from this clinic. You will not be getting proper medical care, and you will get overcharged to boot. This man is slimy; saying things like,
"Oh yeah I'll give you something to make you feel really good" while he quickly slips a needle in and out of your arm before you even know what you just got injected with; or why you needed it.
Do not jeopardize your health! If you have no medical insurance the LSUHSC on Kings Hwy has a Fast Track ER Clinic which will see you in almost as timely a fashion as Total Care Medical Clinic.
When I finally ran out of money to pay Lippton with, I was still seriously sick and needed more medical treatment. I went to the LSU ER in a full on state of panic when I couldn't breathe hardly at all. Come to find out, my potassium level, which helps your heart muscle beat regularly, was severely depleted so much so that I could have easily had a heart attack. Not that Dr. Lippton conducted a single blood test or anything to find out what my levels were; he just shot me up with God knows what, and then he charged me an arm and a leg. Consider yourself warned!
You shouldn't have to risk your life just because you don't have corporate health insurance to see a proper physician. Whatever you do, know going into that clinic that the care you receive depends on this man's mood. He is a shady character with an even darker past. I honestly do not know how he still has a medical license. Maybe Dr. Lippton doesn't have one anymore and just keeps seeing patients anyway. I finally became so bothered after verifying the gossip heard from my grandma's nurse friends, that I decided I needed to do something to warn people. Hence, this blog as well as contacting the Better Business Bureau and the American Medical Association of Louisiana's Ethics Review Board. Let's hope that if more disappointed patients realize that they have a duty to report their inadequate and dangerous care from Dr. Lippton's clince that the AMA or some other authority will put a stop to this man's malpractice.

As always, thank you for reading and stay well.

The Cajun Haole


dotsmom said...

One thing--be very careful about what you say about people, any people you name, on a public space. This man could sue you for libel/slander. Proving the truth of allegations is difficult, at best.

If you want to discuss problems, you might want to use an alias for this person, or you might want to leave the doctor unnamed. If someone wants to know who you are talking about, that person could always ask you.

I'm just trying to make you aware of the possible repercussions. You can speak your mind; just be aware of how it could affect you.

K. Smith
Eng. 226

dotsmom said...

Oh, do you mean "Streams of Consciousness" or Streams of Conscience"?

K. Smith

Cajun Haole said...

Prof. Smith,
I can appreciate the essence of your concern. But I was under the impression that in order for someone to sue for libel/slander, then what I said would have had to be false. I wrote about my personal experience while getting treatment from this man and nothing was false or even exaggerated. So how could I get into trouble for giving a first-hand account of my experience? As for the links I provided, they are backed in fact by reputable news organizations and published for the public's welfare. I deliberately named this man and his clinic so that anyone who reads my blog wouldn't get bamboozled like I did. Using an alias would only let him off the hook further, I feel. Again, though, I do thank you for looking out for me in this respect. Additionally, I must say I'm not aware of a difference between "Consciousness" and "Conscience", but since you brought it up, I will consult Webster's Dictionary and attempt to correct myself.
Thanks again.